Create underlines without any text
This tip works with the majority of Microsoft Office applications. Easily create an underlined space by pressing CTRL + U to start the underline, then press SHIFT + Space for each underlined space you wish to create. An example of how this could be used is for printable forms, for example: Name: .
Print only sections of a document
Save on your printer ink by selectively printing in Windows programs such as Microsoft Word, Internet Explorer, WordPad, Outlook, etc. To do this highlight portions of text you wish to print and click print. In the printer dialog window under Page Range choose the option Selection. It is important to realize that not all programs or printer drivers support this feature.
Help control your incoming e-mail with the rules wizard
Use Microsoft Outlook Rules Wizard to help screen your e-mail and delete mail that you are not interested in.
Additional information about the Rules Wizard as well as information about preventing SPAM can be found on document CH000477.
Shortcut to quickly find users in your address book
Quickly locate a user in your address book or a company address book by typing portions of the name or alias and pressing CTRL + K. For example, if you wished to send a mail to John Doe, typing "jo do" and then pressing CTRL + K will automatically complete the name John Doe, unless other names exist with "jo" and "do". This is very helpful with a large corporations address book, especially when you don't know how to spell someone's name.
Quickly undo mistakes in the majority of most PC Windows program by pressing CTRL + Z.
While in Microsoft Outlook press CTRL + SHIFT + I to quickly go to the Inbox.
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