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Thursday, 14 February 2008

Microsoft Word Tips

Microsoft Word Tips

Microsoft Word

Press CTRL + ALT + Z or Command Option + Z on the Apple to automatically go back to where your cursor has been previously. This is great for those times you move to the another page or paragraph in a document and need to go back where you came from.

Delete one full word back by pressing and holding down the CTRL key and pressing the backspace key or if you're on a Apple press and hold the Command key and the backspace key.

Microsoft Word

Type "=rand(8,10)" (without the quotes) and press enter in Microsoft word to have Microsoft Word automatically generate a bunch of text that can be used to test page formatting, fonts, etc.

Microsoft Word

Easily copy how text is formatted to other text by using the Microsoft Format Painter option. For example, if you have a heading in Microsoft Word that has font, size, or other format you like highlight that text, click the paintbrush icon in the formatting toolbar and then highlight the text you wish to have the same type of format.

Microsoft Word

Quickly zoom in and out of a Microsoft Word document by holding down the CTRL button and scrolling the wheel on your mouse.

Microsoft Word

Quickly move the cursor to the location it was at when the document was last saved by pressing SHIFT + F5.

Microsoft Word / Excel / Front Page

Quickly create hyper links in your Microsoft Word, Excel, or Front Page document by highlighting text and pressing "CTRL + K".

Microsoft Word / Excel

Close all open Microsoft Word and/or Excel files by holding down the shift key and clicking "File" and then "Close All".

Quickly open the recent files by first pressing "ALT + F" to open the file Menu and press 1, 2, 3, or 4

Quickly open the recent files by first pressing "ALT + F" to open the file Menu and press 1, 2, 3, or 4.

Microsoft Office applications

This tip works with the majority of Microsoft Office applications. Easily create an underlined space by pressing CTRL + U to start the underline, then press SHIFT + Space for each underlined space you wish to create. An example of how this could be used is for printable forms, for example: Name: .

Microsoft Word and above

Quickly insert bullets into Microsoft Word by typing an asterisk, a space, and then your sentence. When enter is pressed Microsoft Word will automatically change your asterisks to a bullet and text proceeding that text. Below is an example of what this may look like:

* this will bullet.

This can also be done with dashes ( - ), and numbers (1. or 1) ).

Most Microsoft Windows programs / Printers

Save on your printer ink by selectively printing in Windows programs such as Microsoft Word, Internet Explorer, WordPad, Outlook, etc. To do this highlight portions of text you wish to print and click print. In the printer dialog window under Page Range choose the option Selection. It is important to realize that not all programs or printer drivers support this feature.

Microsoft Office - Repeat Action

Using the F4 key in Microsoft Office 2000 and above allows the user to repeat the last used action. For example, if you have changed the font of a selected text and wish to change another portion of text to the same font, pressing F4 will do this for you automatically.

Microsoft Word, other word processors and text programs

Quickly enlarge text in Microsoft Word and most other PC text programs by first highlighting the text and pressing CTRL + Shift + > or press and hold CTRL + Shift + <>

PC Windows Shortcut key

Quickly undo mistakes in the majority of most PC Windows program by pressing CTRL + Z. Additional shortcuts can be found on our shortcut page.

1 comment:

andika_psp said...

PDF2Office Professional v4.0
PDF2Office Professional

The PDF document conversion tool! Converts PDF documents into Word, PowerPoint, RTF, HTML and other formats instantly!

PDF2Office is a comprehensive PDF document conversion and data extraction tool.
PDF2Office converts PDF documents into fully editable Microsoft® Word, Microsoft® PowerPoint®, RTF, AppleWorks*1, HTML and other files recreating the original construction and layout of the document.

-- PDF2Office forms paragraphs; applies styles; regroups independent graphics elements; extracts images; creates tables; processes headers/footers; endnotes/footnotes and columns/sections, all automatically - without any intervention.
-- PDF2Office integrates seamlessly with Microsoft® Word, allowing you to directly open PDF documents within Microsoft® Word.
-- PDF2Office provides options for converting a range of pages in a PDF document into popular office format documents as well as image*1 types such as JPEG, Photoshop, PNG and TIFF. Furthermore, it offers the capability to extract images from specific pages within a PDF document.
-- PDF2Office also provides a powerful batch conversion facility for converting many files at once simply by targeting the folder they are in.
-- PDF2Office sports an easy-to-use interface that allows you to set the target type on a file-by-file basis. To facilitate the conversion process, PDF2Office even provides layout preview*1 and navigation*1 of a PDF document within the application itself enabling you to identify which pages to extract.
-- PDF2Office allows you to recover the contents stored in PDF documents making it available for use by the most popular software titles. Since PDF2Office is a standalone tool, it is not necessary to acquire and install additional PDF editing software and tools, resulting in huge cost savings in both time and money.

PDF2Office Professional v4.0: Windows Version: Features

>> Convert to Word Processing file - Specify Processing Options, Advanced Options and Font Substitution

>> Convert to Presentation File - Create slideshows instantly and specify image resolution and other options

>> Image Extraction - Specify grouping of images, compression and resolution settings

>> Convert to Web Page Format - Specify HTML output options

>> Document Inspector - View meta-data and fonts used in a PDF file

>> Scope of Conversion
PDF2Office takes a PDF document and performs the following processing -
1. Forms Paragraphs and applies indentations (justification is set to left)
2. Applies text styles and retains font information (or font mapping is performed)
3. Constructs Page properties such as Margins and Page breaks where appropriate
4. Matches Headers and Footers where possible
5. Interpolates Columns and Section breaks
6. Forms Endnotes/Footnotes
7. Identifies and Creates Tables
8. Regroups intersecting and overlapping Graphics
9. Processes all images (except JBIG/JPEG2000 format) and re-groups intersecting sliced images

Document File - Export Formats
Microsoft® Word 97/98 - 2003/2004 (Windows/Macintosh)
Microsoft® PowerPoint® 97/98 - 2003/2004 (Windows/Macintosh)
RTF (Windows/Macintosh)
Unicode UTF-8/16 (Windows/Macintosh)
Text (Windows/Macintosh)
QuickTime Image
Silicon Graphics

Note: PDF2Office strictly honors the security settings of a PDF document.

Download Here :

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