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Friday, 15 February 2008

Quick Render Tip

For those users who utilize ArchiCADs rendering capabilities, here is a tip to speed up rendering time over the life of a project. You can beneficially use this method for projects with complex objects in the background (i.e. trees).

  1. Set Background: Image> Photorendering Settings> Image Size & Background...
    Choose 'Picture' and select the background image from your loaded library.

  2. Create Render: With just your background objects selected, render your first image.

  3. Save Render: Save this rendering into your loaded library, where your original background is located. I recommend saving the image as a tiff image with no compression. With Photorender window active, File> Save
  4. Reload Libraries: File> Library Manager> Reload.
  5. Set Background: Image> Photorendering Settings> Image Size & Background... Choose 'Picture' and select the background image saved in Step Three.

  6. Create Render: With additional elements selected (as required) create another rendering.

  7. Save Render: Save this rendering into your loaded library, where your existing background is located. Again, save it as a tiff, so that it doesn't lose quality. With Photorender window active, File> Save
  8. Reload Libraries: File> Library Manager> Reload.
  9. Set Background: Image> Photorendering Settings> Image Size & Background... Choose 'Picture' and select the background image saved in Step Seven.

    (Repeat these steps as often as needed through the different stages of the project)
  10. Final Render: When it is time for the final rendering, include the main model only, and render your image.

I hope you can use this technique to save you time with your ArchiCAD renderings.

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