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Tuesday, 25 March 2008

Hardware Bible - 6th Edition

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Hardware Bible - 6th Edition
ISBN: 0789728591
1128 Pages

Book Description

The Winn L. Rosch Hardware Bible provides a background on how things work, puts
competing technologies, standards, and products in perspective, and serves as a
reference that provides quick answers for common computer and technology questions.
It functions as a buying guide, telling not only what to buy, but why. It also lays
the foundation for upgrading or repairing a computer, but stops short of the step-by-step
mechanics of the process. The chief purpose of the Hardware Bible remains educational.
Some new features in this edition include rewritable DVD technology as well as Blu-ray
Discs, wireless networking including 802.11a and 802.11b, Bluetooth wireless communications,
and extended coverage of digital cameras, scanners, and telecommunications...and much more!

The 32 chapters of this edition by a computer veteran incorporate the latest trends in the
evolution of computers. Following historical and functional overviews, Rosch discusses
principles and current options in peripherals, digital cameras, display and audio systems,
power, and related topics. Dates are not given for previous editions. A companion website
is available.
This book offers complete coverage of all PC components and peripherals--from how to set
up a personal computer system to repairs and upgrade of information. The most complete
hardware book on the market, this edition will bring readers all the information that
need in an easy-to-read style with many more illustrations than the previous edition.

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