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Thursday, 27 March 2008

A Woman's Guide to Success: Perfecting Your Professional Image

A Woman's Guide to Success: Perfecting Your Professional ImagePublisher: Crisp Learning; 1 edition
Language: English
ISBN: 1592009247
Paperback: 240 pages
Data: April 6, 2005
Format: PDF
Description: Studies have shown that people form their initial impression of you within the first 30 seconds: 55% is based on how you look; 38% is your presentation (voice and body language); and 7% is what you have to say. "A Woman's Guide to Success: Perfecting Your Professional Image" can get you 93% of the way to making a positive first impression and unlocking the door to professional success. In a simple, yet thorough, step-by-step manner, Doris Pooser, author of the acclaimed Always in Style® book series, focuses on helping to improve your "total presentation" (the mix of verbal and non-verbal signals) in the workplace. From wardrobe planning and body language to business and dining etiquette, you'll look good, feel confident, and be on the road to achieving your life goals and finding success in style!

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